The Crevavi IOT design team has successfully prototyped PWM duty cycle control using 10k Potentiometer.

    This Project showcases the capabilities of controlling techniques involved in Electric vehicles, Tool industries etc. This demonstration consists of a Texas Instruments based microcontroller, 10K multiturn potentiometer.

    The Block diagram of the PWM duty cycle control project is illustrated in the figure.
    Controlling the Potentiometer by slightly rotating the knob, the corresponding PWM duty cycle will be changing from 0% to 100%. The respective PWM duty cycle waveform is observed on the Digital Storage Oscilloscope.
    The ADC result can be observed in the STM32 Cube IDE under the watch window, allowing for real-time monitoring of changes in the Potentiometer knob position and their corresponding effects on the ADC value.

    This capability showcases effective control techniques applicable across diverse sectors such as the EV market and Machinery industries.